Why do serious DJs spend so much on DJ controllers, when you can get great kit for far less money? In this live DJing Q&A with Phil Morse from Digital DJ Tips, we talk through the key features pro DJs look for in controllers, and answer other questions from our DJ community.

0:00 Intro
2:02 What do pros look for in a DJ controller?
4:49 Rear panel – inputs, outputs, & power
12:57 Mic channels
14:40 Performance pads
15:58 VU meters
17:13 FX control
18:24 Audio quality
21:53 What’s the best audio interface to use with Traktor Pro software?
26:36 Why do some Bluetooth speakers have latency when wired into gear?
31:25 What audio cables do you recommend for DJ gear?
32:05 Will DJ controllers depreciate in value?
36:44 What’s the easiest way to get started in DJing?
47:09 Is there a downside to DJing gigs with just headphones?
47:37 What device should I get to switch camera angles?
49:00 How can I mix older tracks that sound too quiet?

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