Viviana Casanova: “Vassnova City” Agora Skatepark Live (Barcelona)

Viviana Casanova and her label Vassnova conclude the exciting serie of EPs that shape VASSNOVA CITY and announce the launch of a very special streaming recorded at the Skate Agora in Barcelona.

Vassnova City is the project in which Viviana pours her two passions: musical production and artistic direction. Vassnova City is a musical and graphic story reflected in nine EPs with nine illustrated covers, assembled into a single visual and sound discourse that builds a visual map loaded with urban symbology. Vassnova City is a micro-world shaped by Viviana’s musical vision, including the work of the graphic artist Be Fernandez and eight emerging producers hand-picked by Viviana.

With the EP Move That Body (Tom Weatherill), released on October 20, the nine installment series concluded and made way for the launch of VASSNOVA CITY STREAMING; the perfect closing for this musical, graphic and urban map, which will consist of Viviana’s live presentation at the renowned Skate Agora.

VASSNOVA CITY STREAMING is a 90-minute session by Viviana made up 100% of Vassnova tracks, recorded at the Skate Agora in Badalona (Barcelona). The magnificent 4,683 m2 skatepark next to the Mediterranean, is a space where skateboarding coexists as a sport, as a culture and urban movement, that has become a a skateboarding mecca in Barcelona.

Tracklist (100% Vassnova releases):
1. Danger – Lewis Murch
2. Back 2 the old school – Alex Culross (Soon)
3. Getting high to a new Sound – massii (Soon)
4. Addition – Ivox García & Alvaro Martinez (Soon)
5. Different Style – Deltech (Soon)
6. WTF – Cherryphonic (Soon)
7. It was the Ecstasy – Nomadic
8. Motion time (chord version) – Dok & Martin
9. Note Repeat – Angel de Miguel (Soon)
10. Out of Space – Viviana Casanova
11. Move that body – Tom Weatherill
12. The Buzz – Josh Heywood (Soon)
13. My House is your House – Pablo Say (Soon)
14. Body Rock – Viviana Casanova
15. Groove Driller – Cherryphonic (Soon)
16. Freakshow – Josh Heywood (Soon)
17. Attention – Tom Weatherill
18. Just Can’t Compete – UKE
19. Racing – Esther Bronchal (Soon)
20. 9MM – Floormover (Soon)
21. Bon Viveurs – Deltech (Soon)
22. Sorry not Sorry – Viviana Casanova

Thank you to all of you who were part of one of the most special sets that I will not forget:

Production: Triple AAA Studio (@tripleaaa_studio), Backline Pro Dj (@backline_prodj), Esteban (@estebanstarfish)

Skaters: Joan (@joangalceran), Mateo (@maatt_sk), Alex (@increiblealexlpsp), Adrian (@soekq_mafia) y Alex (@locuralex_sk8)

Brands: Hurley Europe, Dr Martens Spain, Blacktable, Oyaide, Skate Agora.

Special thanks to: Marc, Francisca, Mia, Hugo, Juanma, Fran y B4 bookings.


? Booking: [email protected]

#Vivianacasanova #vassnova #label #techhouse #techno #music #live



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