The Geek x Vrv live @ Flow for Cercle

☞ The Geek x Vrv

Big thanks to Flow Paris for their warm welcome.

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Video credits:

Artists: The Geek x Vrv (Axel Rondeau & Vincent Teoule) and their horn section (Basile Vchaeve, Julien Sannicolo & Nicolas Sakélario)
Management: Allo Floride
Venue: Flow Paris
Produced by Cercle
Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla
Directed by: Derek Barbolla
1st assistant: Pol Souchier
2nd assistant: Quentin Heynodi
Image: Ana Tole Vaillant, Jérémie Tridard & Aymeric Geusselin
Live Editing: Agathe Faccendini
Location Manager: Bertrand Atlan
Location assistant: Sebastien Prudor
Sound Engineer: Antoine Guest
Sound Engineer assistant: Aurélien Moisan
Light Engineer: Emmanuel Ronceray
Technical partner: FL Group
Media partner: LE BONBON
Big thanks to: Thomas Lefrancois, Benoit Haran, Arthur Arrault, Juliette Fouasse, Gwendoline Chapelin, Philippe Marsaud, Marie-Camille Raynaud, Francois Lamberdiere, Hugo Derien.


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