Location: Baie de Somme (France)

Techno music by Teckni-B into the wild to enhance the beauty of nature and raise awareness on the necessity to protect it. We like music, we like nature, we want them both to live on. Protect the planet.

Artefacts – Ian Axide
Dreams (UMEK Version) – Quench
Positive Energy – Nakadia
Serum – Mark Reeve
Jc2204 – [ Wex 10 ]
Tipping Point (Dino Maggiorana Remix) – Filterheadz
17 (CamelPhat Dub) – MK
Move Your Body – Funkerman
Forever Ravers – Miss Kittin, ANNA
Index – Deas
Mysteryland – Calvin Logue
Victoria Falls – Teckni-B
Midi – Julian Jeweil

Follow us on:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/teckni.b/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/BTeckni
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/teckni_b_wild/channel/

Find our mix and tracks on:
Beatport : https://www.beatport.com/artist/teckni-b/558536/tracks
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/teckni-bee
Mixcloud : https://www.mixcloud.com/teckni-b/

We also run the label 4 The Planet, from which every royalties are donated to www.surfrider.eu https://www.intothewild-music.com/4-the-planet


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