Location: Riserva Naturale Monte Cofano, Sicily (Italy)

Techno music by Teckni-B into the wild to enhance the beauty of nature and raise awareness on the necessity to protect it. We like music, we like nature, we want them both to live on. Protect the planet.

Camargue 2019 (Maceo Plex Remix) – The Advent, CJ Bolland, Maceo Plex
Backyard – Jel Ford
Galactus – Tom Hult
Hydra – David Temessi, Atze Ton
Killer Queen – Joyhauser
Freaky Dancers (PAX Remix) – Romanthony, Kevin McKay
Synesthesia (Staves Mix) – Hunzed vs Satves
Sacred Cycles (Adam Bayer & Bart Skils & Layton Giordani Renaissance Remix) – Pete Lazonby
Confronted (Frazi.er Rax Remix) – Pan-Pot
Segment – Roberto Capuano
Kassia – Wheats
Liquid Slow – Chris Liebing, Charlotte de Witte
Reaper’s Theme – Brennen Grey

Follow us on:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/teckni.b/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/BTeckni
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/teckni_b_wild/channel/

Find our mix and tracks on:
Beatport : https://www.beatport.com/artist/teckni-b/558536/tracks
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/teckni-bee
Mixcloud : https://www.mixcloud.com/teckni-b/

We also run the label 4 The Planet, from which every royalties are donated to www.surfrider.eu https://www.intothewild-music.com/4-the-planet


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