Location: Etna Lava Flow, Sicily (Italy)

Techno music by Teckni-B into the wild to enhance the beauty of nature and raise awareness on the necessity to protect it. We like music, we like nature, we want them both to live on. Protect the planet.

Pop In Pop Out – Prok & Fitch
Issues – Green Velvet, Detlef
Bust That Groove – F-Projekt
Cashmere – Hidden Empire
Hypokondriak (Len Faki Hardspace Mix) – Plastikman
Confronted (Pan-Pot Basement remix) – Pan-Pot
Biohazard – Marcal
Extintion (X Jagemusiclab) – STOMP BOXX
Alsbald – Teenage Mutants
Human Progress – Belocca
Eternal Gateway – Transcode
Redneck – Karotte, Kaiserdisco
Astro – Heerhorst, Teenage Mutants

Follow us on:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/teckni.b/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/BTeckni
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/teckni_b_wild/channel/

Find our mix and tracks on:
Beatport : https://www.beatport.com/artist/teckni-b/558536/tracks
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/teckni-bee
Mixcloud : https://www.mixcloud.com/teckni-b/

We also run the label 4 The Planet, from which every royalties are donated to www.surfrider.eu https://www.intothewild-music.com/4-the-planet


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