Solomun playing an exclusive DJ set at Château de Chambord (France) for Cercle.
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☞ Solomun

47°37’05.1″N 1°30’52.8″E

Video credits:

Artist: Solomun
Venue: Château de Chambord
Produced by Cercle
Exec production: Anaïs de Framond, Dan Aufseesser
Technical coordinator: Hocine Gherbi, Yanek Karpinski, Arnaud, Antoine
Programmation: Philippe Tuchmann
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Directors of photography: Mickael Fidjili & Mathieu Glissant & Jérémie Tridard
Sound engineers: Charles Dumaire & Timothée Renard
Sound mastering: Michel Avannier
Light engineers: Pierre-Jean Lorteau (conception), Romuald Michou (operator), Damien Fleury (operator), Elie Sc Druez (operator)
Festival scenography & art direction: Derek Barbolla
Decoration: Luc Beauquesne
Fiber network: Hugo Feret
Stage manager: Vincent Veheme
Technical manager: Fabrice Marchand
Drone: Alexis Olas, Pierre Andre
Crane: Eric Macel & Gaël Giraud
Communication: Pol Souchier, Lola Lebrati
Video post-production: Aurélien Moisan

Special thanks to the Castle of Chambord for their trust: Jean d’Haussonville, Cécilie de Saint Venant and Frédéric Villerot.
Also to Galerie Joseph.

This artistic performance has been recorded live.

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