Sofiane Pamart playing the first live on a grand piano at freezing temperatures under the Northern Lights, in Lapland, Finland for Cercle.

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Sofiane Pamart – BOREALIS EP:

67° 53′ 44.4″ N 24° 03′ 11.4″ E

☞ Sofiane Pamart

Video credits:

Artist: Sofiane Pamart
Venue: Northern Lights, in Lapland, Finland
Produced by Cercle
Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Director of photography: Mathieu Glissant
Cameraman: Mickaël Fidjili
Drone pilots: Anthony Brzeski (pilot) + Brieuc Le Mercier (camera) – Let’s Fly Production
FPV drone: Filip Petronijević
Post-production: Mathieu Glissant (Saison Unique Production)
Mix: Paul-Edouard Laurendeau
Sound Mastering: Equus
Production team: Anaïs De Framond, Dan Aufseesser, Armand Prouhèze
Communication: Pol Souchier, Bérénice Saïag & Lola Lebrati
Graphic Design: Anaëlle Rouquette
Technical Manager: Aurélien Moisan
Chief Financial Officer: Andy Cheremond
Label Assistant: Clémence Maillard
Photographer : Jérémie Tridard
BTS: Mickaël Fidjili

Official Partners:
Visit Finland

Special thanks to:
Guillaume Heritier
Alex Drewniak (BC DGTL)
Sergei Shkurov
PIAS/ 88 Touches
Jacques Andre Desbuisson
Elisa Muzio
Camille Ratto
Galerie Joseph


This artistic performance has been recorded live.


00:00 Aurora – Sofiane Pamart
02:14 Borealis – Sofiane Pamart
05:00 Le Caire – Sofiane Pamart
08:00 Solitude – Sofiane Pamart
11:12 Medellin – Sofiane Pamart
15:17 Paris – Sofiane Pamart
19:20 La Havane – Sofiane Pamart
22:19 Séoul – Sofiane Pamart
25:28 Chicago – Sofiane Pamart
29:03 Alba – Sofiane Pamart
32:15 Invisible – Sofiane Pamart
34:33 Ha Long Bay – Sofiane Pamart
36:37 Les Yeux de ma mère – Arno & Sofiane Pamart
39:14 London – Sofiane Pamart
41:25 Sahara – Sofiane Pamart
43:14 Madagascar – Sofiane Pamart
44:57 Sicilia – Sofiane Pamart
47:20 Nara – Sofiane Pamart
50:39 Kittila – Sofiane Pamart
53:55 Medellin – Sofiane Pamart
58:12 La Bohème – Charles Aznavour (Sofiane Pamart version)
01:00:37 Q&A


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