Promising electronic music producer Skaivi has released her latest track ‘Gdzieś We Śnie’ (‘Somewhere in a Dream’), which transports listeners to a magical musical soundscape.

19-year-old Chicago-based electronic music producer, Skaivi, has dished out one of her best in her recent track Gdzieś We Śniewhich in English translates to ‘Somewhere in a Dream’. The track pieces together a magical realm of soul-soothing music that is marked by a paradoxical establishment of serenity and euphoria. It showcases the pure love that the artist harbors for music and the innate talent that led her to create such a beautiful piece of art. The creative sublimity of the track arises from its authenticity and evokes a feeling of optimism in the listeners.
The track weaves a fabric of mellow beats with refreshing synths that provide a sense of comfort to the listeners and makes space for them to enjoy the track in its entirety. It plays a dual role of being something one can groove to as well as lay back and enjoy, being one that uplifts and at the same time comforts. Gdzieś We Śnieis truly a glimpse into what this musical virtuoso is capable of, and builds anticipation about what she might release next.

Skaivi had found her love for music at a really young age and as she grew older, she began to write songs of her own, as she wanted to showcase her creativity, inspired by artists like Lady Gaga. It was when she was seventeen that she started producing music using GarageBand on her old iPhone and it wasn’t long before she found her calling in electronic music. She went on to create musical masterpieces like ‘Mystic’ and ‘Tech Fairy’. Check out these tracks on Spotify, Apple Music, and on YouTube. Also follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to never miss her updates.
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