Mixmag and Budweiser bring The Lab back to India for 2023, showcasing the best homegrown and international talent in multiple locations around the country.

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Next up: Shampain

The Lab Pune is back at High Spirits with one of the breakthrough artists of the alternative dance music circuit – Shampain.

A typical ‘Shampain Show’ has that signature punk rock atmosphere and feeling, but most importantly the essence is in bringing sounds that may not always have thought their first home to be the dancefloor to audiences willing to have their minds blown.

While the Galway native is a newcomer to the world of dance music, he has the guts of eight years under his belt within various different aspects of the world of electronic sounds.

Along the way he has co-founded the legendary G TOWN Records, held a long standing residency and thrown a variety of parties via his online magazine VSN WORLD. Having played almost every club and festival in Ireland, he has taken his distinctive sound and attitude further afield and to legendary institutions such as Subclub, Amnesia, Village Underground and World Headquarters to name but a few.


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