If you’ve always wanted to make your own music using Ableton, then you should check out our “All New Dance Music Formula” course – get all the details here: http://djtips.co/dmf-sample

Here, we fire up Ableton Live 10 for the first time and I show you around the interface. We’ll also make some settings tweaks to get Live working the way we want it to.

Live has two workflows called Session View and Arrangement View, which have their own strengths and use scenarios. Our focus on this course will be Arrangement View, and though we won’t be using Session View in this course, I’ll talk you through it so you have a grasp of the interface.

Windows users: You’ll find the Preferences window at the top of your screen beside File, Edit, Create and so on. Just go to Options, and then click on Preferences.

This Ableton Live 10 tutorial is a FREE sample lesson from the Digital DJ Tips online music production course “All New Dance Music Formula” – find out more here: http://djtips.co/dmf-sample

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