We proudly present the worst movie ever. A product of our out-of-control imagination that transformed a festival phenomenon into a crazy visual home experience. Get ready for sixty minutes of harder styles mayhem with POWER HOUR The Movie.

Creating such a deranged piece of film is quite the task, luckily we filmed the entire process! The Making of POWER HOUR The Movie is now available on Q-dance Network: https://bit.ly/Making-Of-POWERHOUR

Directed by: Villain & Deepack, assisted by some people at Q-dance and Epic Cinema and Editz. ?

Special thanks to Red Bull for powering up the madness.

Check out the Power Hour The Movie EP on your favorite portal: https://q-dancerecords.ffm.to/powerhourthemovieep

Defqon.1 returns this summer for the biggest edition in the history of our tribe. The final tickets are now available at https://bit.ly/DQ22-Shop

▼ Become a DEDIQATED Member and get access to:
• All Q-dance livestreams
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Join the tribe at https://www.q-dance.com/network (available with a monthly and annual subscription)

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• Follow our hardstyle playlist on Spotify: http://q-dance.com/spotify

► Visit the Q-dance Merchandise Store at http://store.q-dance.com

▼ Follow Q-dance online:
Facebook: http://facebook.com/Qdance
Instagram: http://instagram.com/Q_dance
Website: http://www.q-dance.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/q_dance_
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Q_dance
Mixcloud: http://mixcloud.com/Q-dance
TikTok: q_dance_official

▼ Follow Defqon.1 online:
Website: http://www.q-dance.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Defqon1
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Defqon1


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