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The 30 minute live DJ set will be streamed in partnership with Beatport Live on 26th June at 1800 CEST.

German techno duo Pan-Pot have teamed up with IN X SPACE and NEXR, two Berlin-based companies specialising in the development of Extended Reality technologies, for this new venture into the world of virtual clubbing experiences.

Virtual Unreality is Pan-Pot’s first demonstration of a live, mixed reality DJ performance in an immersive 3D club setting. Audiences can view the live show via social livestreams, with 50 fans being given access to participate in-show as interactive live avatars.

Captured by their device’s camera, the avatars react live to the participants movements, triggering effects and unlocking new views within the environment for the most active audience participants.

Pan-Pot will perform the 30 minute set in a realtime, hybrid studio environment, appearing as Avatars on a virtual stage with the ability to trigger stage effects during the performance.

‘We’ve done a lot of live streams recently, in real settings and also virtual ones, but to be able to perform live in this way in a fully virtual world and see the fans interacting with us while we’re playing is totally unique’, says Tassilo Ippenberger, one half of Pan-Pot.

‘We worked closely with the developers to create the feeling and energy of a real clubbing experience, but at the same time going beyond your wildest imagination of what a club setting can be… you take the best bits of the real and virtual worlds’, continues Pan-Pot’s Thomas Benedix.

This 30 minute hybrid show is presented as a prototype for avatar interaction, with the most active avatars having the opportunity to join Pan-Pot Beatport on the virtual DJ stage.

“We’re working on concepts to explore meaningful and playful ways for fans to participate,” says Rania Kim, Co-Founder IN X SPACE who also performs as hybrid audiovisual artist Portrait XO. ‘This is just a glimpse into the future of virtual shows. We want to open electronic music club culture to audiences around the world, creating totally unreal and immersive experiences in virtual spaces.’


Show Creator:
INXSPACE – http://inxspace.tech/
SO LAB X – https://solabx.com/
The Bliss Office – https://www.theblissoffice.com/
H2 Consulting – https://www.h-2.berlin/
Pan-Pot – http://www.pan-pot.net/

XR Studio Partner:
NEXR – https://www.nexr-technologies.com/de/

Performing Artist: PAN-POT
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/panpotofficial/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/PanPotOfficial

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#Pan-Pot​ #VirtualUnreality​ #Beatport


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