Orkidea live from INFINITY ▪ Amsterdam Dance Event 2022
Saturday 22 October 2022 ▪ Panama, Amsterdam The Netherlands

Thank you Orkidea for an incredible set at the very first edition of INFINITY! With this new concept we fully focus on uniting the deeper and and melodic sounds. Check out all INFINITY sets here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ho04id1fGo&list=PLqdiEcHh28ms3hjHDOIAGNre2NaKr2B_7

Tracklisting: https://www.1001tracklists.com/dj/orkidea/index.html

🎧 Subscribe to our channel for more livesets: http://www.youtube.com//LuminosityEvents/

⛱️ Upcoming Luminosity events: http://urlis.net/LuminosityAgenda

🌴 Website: http://www.luminosity-events.nl

🎟️ Tickets for upcoming events: http://www.luminosity-events.nl/tickets

#infinity #amsterdamdanceevent #orkidea


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