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Marques Wyatt takes over for Beatport x Ballantine’s Scotch whisky True Music livestream in Downtown LA, California.

About Marques Wyatt:
He’s one of the few house music DJs who has managed to avoid the mantle of anonymity normally associated with house music: he’s a cornerstone of the Los Angeles club scene, but regularly tours on the East Coast, in the Midwest, and on other continents. He has played at just about every major electronic conference and festival, and is one of the most respected promoters in Southern California. High-profile gigs at the official Grammy Awards After Party (2000 & 2001) and on the NARAS/Grammy Awards Remixer Craft Committee helped Wyatt shoulder into mainstream music.

Wyatt’s career started in the late ’80s. Unlike many DJs, he did not start out spinning records in his basement; instead, he focused on the promoting end of the business. As the L.A.-based promoter for U.K. label Acid Jazz, he helped break Jamiroquai and Digable Planets on the U.S. scene.


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#MarquesWyatt #TrueMusic #Beatport


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