The man behind one of the most eagerly anticipated LPs of the year
Buy Lone’s new album Reality Testing here:
R&S Records here:

The Lab is our weekly office rave up where we live stream some of the biggest and best names in electronic music on a tremendous Void soundsystem.

This week The Lab plays hosts to immensely talented Lone.

Lone returns to the limelight this month as he releases his latest album on the notorious R&S Records. Over the years, with LPs such as ‘Galaxy Garden’ and ‘Ecstasy & Friends’, Lone has continuously shown that’s he’s truly an electronic music innovator of the highest caliber.

His latest album ‘Reality Testing’ sees the worlds of jazz, funk, house, techno and hip hop all collide across a fantastic LP which was album of the month in our June issue. The album includes tracks like ‘Airglow Fires’ and ‘Begin to Begin’, tunes that that have found their way into many a discerning house set, from Prosumer to Giles Peterson.

This Lab is truly not one to be missed, especially as Lone will be showcasing live visuals courtesy of Konx-om-Pax (who did the animations for Galaxy Garden). Tune in below or on MixmagTV from 4pm UK time.


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