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Tags: boite Electronic noire pro synthé
Abonnez-vous à la chaine : http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ManuInFrance
Tags: boite Electronic noire pro synthéVous êtes fan de concerts et souhaitez protéger vos oreilles avec des bouchons d’oreille adaptés de filtres, optez pour...
Join Phil Morse for another Thursday Q&A live – ask questions, get answers! Join The Global DJ Network: http://djtips.co/global...
http://www.laboitenoiredumusicien.com Promettant de ‘redéfinir l’expérience logicielle/hardware des DJ professionnels’, Numark a annoncé la sortie de son contrôleur NV. Optimisé...
One of the stand out features of the Numark NS6II is the two USB ports. This allows 2 DJs...
Danny James is back this week with a #SundayDJSkills inspired by his own club sets. Watch and follow along...
DJ Danny James is back this week for another #SundayDJSkills on the Pioneer DDJ 400 controller for Rekordbox DJ....
Danny James is back this week with a special Dubstep mix on the Pioneer DDJ 1000. For more DJ...
Here is your FREE tutorial on the Pioneer DJ XDJ-XZ. 0:00 – Intro 3:54 – Inputs & Outputs 9:43...
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