K_OXANA| Sunset CHILLOUT deep house & trance SUMMER mix - 4K LIVE @ Cyprus Limassol - Virtual Clubbing Life

Hello my dear friends!

I hope you will enjoy this summer vibes and amazing sunset views of the Limassol city in Cyprus.

Make the speakers volume UP and enjoy the perfect bass 😉

It was hard for me to build this mix. I wanted to create some kind of music trip, music journey through the sound with smooth transitions.
It took more than 14 days everyday mixing … But finally I am happy to listen to this set! I’m proud of myself.

The energy level in this music mix is going up and down. You dance, then fly … after several tracks you can feel something like smooth diving in the ocean … and slowly swimming … and then you fly again …

Describe your journey and your feelings below in comments.

I’m so happy to share my music sets with you and hear your feedbacks 🙂

Thanks to all artist who have made these all tracks in my mix! They are incredible.

Let’s enjoy 🙂


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