Da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre (Brasil) para o mundo, apresentamos o DJ, produtor musical, cantor e compositor Chris Tonatto aka MadMe.

O amor pela música e o background como músico já lhe renderam lançamentos por selos como MF Records (Bélgica) e Alveda Music Group (Grécia).

MadMe é um dos artistas nacionais que valem a pena ficar de olho, pois do louco ao são, todos os sedentos por Dance Music encontrarão refúgio nas suas músicas.

MadMe ‘As Long As We’Re Alive’ is available on main streaming platforms.
Get your copy: https://ampl.ink/pxRRG

From the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre (Brazi) to the world, we present the DJ, producer, singer and songwriter Chris Tonatto aka MadMe.

His love for music and his vast background as a musician have already earned him releases by labels such as MF Records (Belgium) and Alveda Music Group (Greece).

Surely MadMe is one of the artists to keep your eye on, from the mad to the sane, all those thirsty for Dance Music will find refuge in his music.


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