Playing my 5 hour vinyl set at Thuishaven Amsterdam was some of the most fun I’ve had at a gig recently, not in the least because of the amount of classics played 🙂
Normally I wouldn’t even think of playing more than 2 or 3 classics in my sets, but my vinyl collection stopped growing 15 years ago so I didn’t really have a choice, did I?

One thing I loved about the experience was the slow pace of playing records, they have a different sound, flow and energy than what I usually play these days. With my regular digital Traktor setup t’s unusual to just let a record play from the beginning and not do any editing or mashing up on the fly, so this was refreshing.

I also realised playing vinyl in a live situation these days is a challenge. It took me 2 hours to understand the turntable balance was off which made the records skip constantly. Making the needle more heavy made the records sound really bad, so I figured out adjusting the balance of the arm was the way to go. By the time everything worked properly I was almost halfway my set.
That’s why I decided to upload only the second half for now. Maybe at a later date I have time to do some work on the first half of the recording, but honestly Part 2 is much better.

Musically this is a pretty eclectic set, but listening back to it I still love it. There’s so many great memories connected to these tracks. Many records were left unplayed though, so maybe we’ll do this again sometime..

#JorisVoorn #Techno #house

Check Out: Vinyl DJ Mixes Playlist

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