Mixmag and Budweiser bring The Lab back to India for 2023, showcasing the best homegrown and international talent in multiple locations around the country.

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Next up: Jay Pei

Jay Pei is a New Delhi based producer and DJ who has pioneered his own
unique sound, enthralling audiences with it across the length of the country.
Building his music and sets upon rhythmic foundations of the Dance groove,
Jay’s more recent experimentation has been towards integrating cinematic
elements in to the atmospheric soundscapes of his set.

While a lot of his techniques may seem contradictory to the mainstream,
they have led him to find and explore his own unique voice. One could say
that his music comes from the best of both worlds – analog & digital. With
his use of analog drum machines and synthesizers to lay down the
foundation of his tracks and digital devices to integrate the work flow.

Moving with a unique ebb and flow, Jay’s penchant for composing melodies,
combined with his intrinsic knowledge of the music that he plays, especially
when performing his signature live set, has propelled Jay and his music to a
large audience.


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