How I Get & Manage My Music – Free Laidback Luke DJ Tutorial
This is a FREE sample lesson from “Laidback Luke’s Creative DJing” course – find out more here:

Of course, as a DJ who plays at the world’s biggest venues and to the world’s biggest crowds, I do get sent most of the music I could possibly want – it’s clearly a perk of the job! But there are great ways for YOU to find the tunes you want to play too – and as well as advising you on that, I have advice for you on how to manage your music, so you can always find what you want in a flash.

Here’s a note of Luke’s hot cue system (which he explains in the video) for you to write down:

1. Mix in point (either the very start, or later in the track if you prefer) – purple
2. Breakdowns – green
3. Vocal sections – yellow
4. Drops – red
5. Outro beats – red

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