Set a reminder for the next Rave to Save with MOGUAI, Alle Farben and Lovra! ?

Download the App & Rave to Save ?
Turn your dance moves into donations! With every 100 steps Desperados will donate €1 to clubs in Germany!

Let’s RAVE for a good cause with Franca!

In the spirit of helping all those venues that are having a tough time, Desperados came up with this brilliant idea: What if we turn dance steps into direct donations to them?

Then someone said “Hold my beer” and created an app which does exactly that. You dance with it, and Desperados will donate 1€ for each 100 steps that you do. How cool is that?

You can already download it here:
App IOS:
App Android:

And who’s gonna be in charge of making you dance? David Hasert and Franca! Because we also must support our local artists!

Vamos a BAILAR por una buena causa!
Con el espíritu de echar una mano a todos esos locales que lo están pasando mal en estos tiempos, a Desperados se les ocurrió una gran idea: ¿Y si convertimos cada paso que bailemos en donaciones directas para ellos?

Alguen dijo “sujétame la birra!” y creó una App que hace exactamente eso. Tu bailas, y por cada 100 pasos que des, Desperados donará 1€. Buen plan, ¿verdad?

Ya podéis descargar la App aquí!
App IOS:
App Android:
Por el momento id calentando, porque el día 4 de Abril os necesitamos para darlo todo y marcar la diferencia desde casa a través de Twitch y FB Live!
Y quién os va a hacer bailar? David Hasert y Franca! Porque también debemos ayudar a los artistas locales!
Powered by Desperados
In Collaboration with Beatport

How does it work?
Desperados’ new Rave To Save app helps raise money for Europe’s nightclubs through the power of dancing. For every 1,000 steps taken by partygoers on the Rave to Save app, €1 will be donated to support the clubs. The Rave to Save app, available on the App Store and Google Play, uses smartphone technology to track partygoers’ moves as they dance to epic beats on their home dancefloor.

Download the App & Rave to Save Reineke Fuchs! ?

► Follow Franca:

About Rave to Save:
With thousands of nightclubs currently closed across the world, Desperados is calling on partygoers around the world to unite in support of the clubs they love with the launch of their Rave to Save app. People are invited to join a series of eight virtual parties that go beyond the obvious, where their dance moves at home will be turned into cash for clubs across Europe.

The virtual shows are the latest wild experiment in a series of innovative experiences and activations taking place in 2021 as part of Desperados’ new creative platform, Go Desperados.

#GoDesperados​ #RaveToSave #Livestream #Beatport


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