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More on Detroit Swindle: http://bit.ly/1eVpLdg
Photo: Riya Hollings http://riyahollings.com

Ever since ‘The Wrap Around’ dropped in 2012, Detroit Swindle have been on a serious upward trajectory.

That tune, released on the EP of the same name via Huxley’s Saints & Sonnets, was a mission statement for the Amsterdam duo’s insatiable style of house music; all big, flabby basslines and struttin’ percussion laced with the essence of a fucking good time.

Now it’s 2014 and after gracing the discographies of Tsuba, Freerange and Heist, they’ve just dropped debut album ‘Boxed Out’ on Berlin-based deep house label Dirt Crew, which is now something of a spiritual home for the boys.

Their album is an extension of the 12″s they’ve previously put out on Dirt Crew, a joyous house fanfare that’s truly hard to dislike (even the hardened cynics in our office dig it). It hits the sweet spot from start to finish and we reckon our reviewer summed it up best in the magazine this month, writing: “Raw, funky house and more — resistance is futile!”

We can fully attest to that; ‘The Wrap Around’ had us hooked, as did Detroit Swindle’s Dirt Crew jams and they totally destroyed our office when they played The Lab this time last year. It’s been a pleasure watching their career develop and in ‘Boxed Out’, they’ve managed that rare achievement: creating a house album that makes sense and sounds damn good all the way through.

It’s no surprise then that their In Session mix is the best we’ve released this year. Starting with soft disco-flecked grooves it soon rolls into swingin’ house and bumpin’ techno. We don’t need to tell you anymore. Get on it.


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