Progressive House & Melodic Techno DJ Mix

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This video contains objects of copyright and related rights – remixes, performed by DJ, which are derived works, according to Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights”. The use of copyrighted works occurs within the meaning of Article 21 of clause 9-1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights” and provides for a work free from payment with the designation of the name of the author. All responsibility for the content of the remixes, the legality of their creation, and the correctness of the instructions of the authors and the titles of the original works on the basis of which the remixes were created, lies with the author and the performer of the remixes, and not with the owner of this video. Placing this video does not carry the purpose of violating the rights of third parties. The recording of this video with a DJ is not commercial, but was made with the aim of popularizing DJ art.

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