Dubfire playing a unique DJ set in the beautiful Château de Fontainebleau for Cercle.
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☞ Dubfire


Thanks to our partners: Beatport, TSUGI, Le Routard, Radio FG, Faze Magazin, Mr. After Party, Techno Perfect, Techno TV, Villa Schweppes, TECH-MINIMAL SOUND, Jack, We Are Pulse, Real Clubbers, Techno Moves, FL Group.

48°24’05.2″N 2°41’60.0″E

Video credits:

Artist: Dubfire
Venue: Château de Fontainebleau
Produced by Cercle
Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla
Directed by: Derek Barbolla
1st assistant: Pol Souchier
Live Editor: Pol Souchier
Directors of photography: Jérémie Tridard, Anatole Vaillant & Mathieu Glissant
Sound Engineer: Keko & Timothée Renard, assisted by Aurélien Moisan
Light show: Quentin & Lucas Enguerrand
Technical partner: FL Group

Special thanks to Maxime Drouard.
And to Galerie Joseph.

Follow us on http://www.cercle.live


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