Disfruta del último episodio de The Night Tales (TNT), donde DSC7 nos deleita con un DJ set de groove techno grabado en una fábrica abandonada.

Si te gustó este video, por favor dale ‘Me Gusta’ y suscribete para no perderte futuros DJ sets y otros contenidos de The Night Tales.

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnt_bcn/?locale=es_us

Sigue a DSC7:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dssssc7/?locale=es_us


Enjoy the latest episode of The Night Tales (TNT), where DSC7 delights us with a groove techno DJ set recorded in an abandoned factory.

If you liked this video, please ‘Like’ it and subscribe so you don’t miss future DJ sets and other content from The Night Tales.

Follow us on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnt_bcn/?locale=es_us

Follow DSC7:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnt_bcn/?locale=es_us

#GrooveTechno #DJSet #TechnoRadio #DSC7 #TheNightTales


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