Join Phil Morse from Digital DJ Tips for another hour of live Q&A – improve your DJing with this free tuition from the world’s leading DJ school. This week we talked about what DJ record pools are and why you often won’t find older music on them, also standalone DJ units and more!

8:27 Do you know of a DJ download pool that specialises in old school house, garage, or drum & bass?
17:03 Is there a release date for the new Rane DJ gear?
18:25 Where’s the best place to get acapellas right now?
21:08 What’s the best DJ course for scratching?
22:36 How should I curate my DJ set for a hotel restaurant?
28:53 Is Native Instruments going to make another Traktor mixer?
30:15 Should I buy closed or open-backed headphones for DJing?
36:01 What standalone DJ system should I buy?
38:41 Why are “lollipop” headphones making a comeback?
40:30 What is the most used effect for mixing out, and does it depend on genre?
45:14 Can I convert CDs to MP3s and DJ with them?
48:14 What’s the best record pool for latin remixes?
49:03: How can I use the pads on an XDJ-RX3 (or other standalone systems) for sampling?
59:12 Should I organise music files in external folders or within DJ software?

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