After a long rainy day in the studio, I hoped for the rain to stop, and luckily, it did. 😊

It’s been a while since my last live set video because I’ve been busy with gigs. This one was recorded on the private island of Naka Noi in Phuket. It’s an hour-long live set mix, featuring stunning views and my favorite sounds. Send me some love, and stay tuned for more videos coming soon!

Track list:

‱Fading (Original Mix) Nicky Elisabeth
‱Hypnotize (Extended Mix) Kaive, Jats (ofc)
‱Sleep (Wass Extended Mix) Marsh, Jodie Knight
‱Endless (Extended Mix) Marsh
‱Blue (Extended Mix) Marsh, Leo Wood
‱Something About (Extended Mix) CRi
‱Where I Find My Mind (Extended Mix) Eli & Fur
‱Tobes (Extended Mix) Jody Wisternoff, James Grant, Because Of Art
‱Why (Extended Mix) M.O.S., Christian Burns
‱Better In The Dark (Original Mix) Eli & Fur
‱Freely (Extended Mix) Nopi, Jody Wisternoff, James Grant

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