David Berrie’s new EP, ‘Airplane To Madrid’ is out now via Hot Creations and he provides us with a special mix live from Fabrik, Madrid for the occasion.

Tracklist: https://1001.tl/1dwr5j5k

1. Ben Rau – Phoenix
2. Nacho Bolognani – You (Original Mix)
3. Carsten Rausch, Ferdinand Laurin – E (Niko Schwind Remix)
4. Butch – Bepsi (DB edit)
5. Detlef – Music please
6. Dan Andrei – Four Sticks
7. Harvard Bass, Jesse Calosso & Jean Pierre – Bogus
8. Sammy W & Tobus – Acid Terrace
9. Soul Mekanik – Kolor Spektrum (Brett Johnson Remix)
10. Ignacio Morales – Jijo (Federico Grazzini Remix)
11. The Dolphins – Alba (Original Mix)
12. Dario D’Attis – Solera (DB edit)
13. Daniel Lera – Nemesis vs. Everything (DB edit)
14. Arado – Transplantation (DB edit)
15. Christian Burkhardt, Daniel Roth – Banana Republic (Original Mix)
16. VICARI – Moy Lally
17. Samu.l – What is What (Private Edit)
18. Dragosh – The Trainer (Original Mix)
19. Ben Balance – Funk Tower
20. Sis – Nesrib (db edit)
21. Anthea & Celler – Ceadmon Loop (Original Mix)
22. Detlef – Machines
23. Paco Wegmann – The Return Of The Funk (Dub Mix)
24. Girada Unlimited – Zapatac
25. Make Me Function (David Gtronic Edit)
26. Shonky – Casa Nostra
27. Around7 – Deconne pas Morricone (Original Mix)


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