Mixmag + Dobbin St. present CREW LOVE with WOLF+LAMB / SOUL CLAP / THE FITNESS & PONY (LIVE)
More from Crew Love : https://www.facebook.com/crewlove.us
More from The Fitness & Pony : https://www.facebook.com/thefitnessmusic
More info on Dobbin St. Event Space : http://www.dobbinst.com
For more music, videos and everything Mixmag: https://www.mixmag.net

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Mixmag will be celebrating Independence Day weekend with Crew Love on Monday July 3, featuring full live streamed sets from Soul Clap and Wolf + Lamb.

The extravagant rooftop party will take place at Brooklyn’s new Dobbin St venue, fitted with proper groovy Crew Love decor and a breathtaking city backdrop.

The Crew Love family has consistently upheld their brand of funky curation and good-time vibes over the years, famous for showcasing positively far-out beats and smile-saturated crowds at their colorful, opulent parties.

Joining Crew Love leaders Soul Clap and Wolf + Lamb will be The Fitness & Pony, whose special live set will also be streamed via Mixmag. Supporting will be fellow label member and Black Flamingo resident A-Rock.


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