Celebrating 20 years of iconic clubbing movie Human Traffic.
Human Traffic Live heads to Printworks London in 2020: alostweekend.com
More Chris Inperspective: https://inperspectiverecords.com/chris-inperspective

Chris Inperspective is the DJ, Producer, and Founder of Technicality and Inperspective records
Inperspective Records, founded in 1997 has become one of the best loved and most respected leftfield D&B imprints. Over the years a number of now highly respected artists have produced some of the most groundbreaking music to be pressed onto vinyl.

Artists include: Breakage, Equinox, Fracture & Neptune, ASC, Survival, Profane, Senses, Chris Inperspective, Andy Skopes, Polska, Macc & dgoHn and Pariah.

Chris Inperspective also founded the Technicality night in 1999. The mindset was to represent the underrepresented in D&B and has been going strong ever since. They continue to hold events to this day.


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