Coors and Mixmag present The Lab LDN with Chippy Nonstop shelling out a high-energy set of techno, donk, 160bpm and everything in between
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Vibrant, audacious and full of character, Chippy Nonstop always brings the party. The DJ of Indian descent was born in Dubai and has lived across cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Oakland and Toronto, threading international experience through her diverse sound. Spanning techno, funk, reggaeton, Bollywood, house and more, her versatile style is geared towards sending dancefloors into overdrive.

Chippy Nonstop is currently working on new music-related endeavours including a project called ‘Intersessions’, a sound initiative curated by and for women & the LGBTQ+ community. She strives for adequate and balanced representation in the industry and that’s why she runs these global workshops. Both an activist and community organiser, Chippy is constantly looking to improve the music scene for marginalised genders.

Her latest album with dj genderfluid is out now. It is released under local label Wet Trax and each track was influenced by 90s party music.

The Lab LDN is powered by Void Acoustics. Check out their range here:

Void Acoustics pursue the future of sound through obsessive technical innovation and extraordinary design aesthetics. Their products create the opportunity to move people through unforgettable, immersive sound.

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