Hurry Up Slowly & Deep House Bible join forces to bring you a journey where history meets electronic music through Calussa’s set at the majestic Stupinigi Palace in Turin, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Immerse yourself in an evening that featured other artists; Marco Carola, Ahmed Spins, Jaden Thompson, and more.

The Palazzina di caccia of Stupinigi (Italian for ‘hunting residence of Stupinigi) is one of the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy in the Metropolitan City of Turin in northern Italy. Built as a royal hunting lodge in the early 18th century, it is located in Stupinigi, a suburb of the town of Nichelino, of Turin.

Follow Calussa
Instagram: calussaofc
Soundcloud: calussaofc

🎥 director
Zach Toupin – @zach.toupin

🎥 camera operators
Mateja Ajatovic
Milena Lenami
Kelly Petrovich

🕹️ drone
FPV Flow


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