Now, let me tell you about our journey to Milagres. Picture this: we were told it was a 2.5hr drive from another beach town, but thanks to Waze, our trusty navigation app, it told us would take 4 hours and I was late for my set. After 6 shows in 5 days, we were exhausted, but when we finally arrived at this beautiful beach on the east coast of Brazil, all our fatigue melted away.
It was HOT AF with the Brasil Sun shining down on us and not a cloud or shade structure in sight, just towels and a bucket of ice that we dunked towels in profusely to keep cool, Brasilians love to wear white around the New Year, they are such a HAPPY nation, full of life, probably because of their open hips and endless sunshine. They call Miami a âsunny place for shady peopleâ, but Brasil is just a sunny place for happy people.
I would do anything for Brasil and its people, cause theyâve done so much for me but more my soul and keeping me curious. I come there with an open heart ready to absorb culture. In a past life I was probably a carioca from Rio, or maybe even an acai bowl. Enjoy the sunrise, wherever you are. Beijos
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