Flew into London, with a wild idea. I thought, why not hug every single person at the show tonight? And I almost did! There I was, waiting at the front entrance, hugging every person that came through, feeling that unfiltered London love. It was like a party of energy, best part was there was a story with each hug.

But I also had another thought – what if I missed someone? Couldn’t let that happen, right? So, I rallied the room, called everyone together for one massive group hug. It was 🫠

Oh, and the B3B at the end (coming soon)! The world conspired to make it perfect. The vibe was indescribable, a perfect mixture of chaos and beauty, just like London. This night, we were one. Hug someone close to you, BIG love london 🫶

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ABRA NY TICKETS MAY 11: https://bit.ly/abrany
BLOND:ISH ON TOUR: https://blondish.world/
SEND ME DEMOS/PROMOS: DM me the word ‘demo’/’promo’
BLOND:ISH COMMUNITY: https://ig.me/j/Abb9qlToEZpRvrE8/

Be the first to know about BLOND:ISH Tour Dates & Releases here: https://laylo.com/blondish

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