Mixmag and Budweiser bring The Lab back to India for 2023, showcasing the best homegrown and international talent in multiple locations around the country.
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Next up: Axl Stace
Pune has one of India’s fastest-growing electronic music scenes – so taking The Lab here was a no-brainer.
Axl Stace is one of India’s hottest new rising stars and has been given the thumbs-up by artists like Tale of Us, Rufus Du Sol, and Dixon to list a few. He showcased his skills in Lab Pune at Blak by Sunburn, a new music stop in the city.
His timeless, yet future-facing productions have seen him break through and perform at major events around the world, including Afterlife, Awakenings, Tomorrowland, and many more. With such a distinctive array of supporters, live energy and distinctive style, he has drawn media attention and fans across India and beyond.
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