Mixmag and Budweiser bring The Lab back to India for 2023, showcasing the best homegrown and international talent in multiple locations around the country.

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Next up: Amotik

After moving to Berlin in 2014, Amotik has steadily built a base in the city that significantly inspired him. Starting in 2015 with a series of EPs on his
self-titled imprint and later following with guest appearances on 47, BPitch Control, and Figure.

Having developed a unique style of hypnotic/atmospheric techno with a relentless, raw undertone – his consistency as both a DJ and producer has seen him regularly perform at some of the most exciting clubs and festivals around the globe, whilst maintaining a residency at the renowned venue Goethebunker in Essen.

In late 2019, Amotik released his debut album ‘Vistār’. The album was given the accolade ‘Album of the Month’ in Mixmag and featured as an ‘Essential Album’ in Groove Magazine. The release was accompanied by a debut live tour with performances at Berghain, Fabric, Fuse, The Block, Rex Club, Awakenings and a whole host of venues along the way.

Tune in to this driving journey with elements of ambient, broken beats and textured soundscapes.


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