Adassiya starts her singer career at the age of thirteen, recording her first album with Warner Production. She is determined to make a living out from her passion, so she stopped studying at the age of 18 yrs to integrate the musical “Les 10 Commandements”. She then travelled around the world and discover all the treasures it can offer. Grown up with all these experiences, this multi-talented artist oriented her career towards the writing. She became an songwriter for successful French singers. As she’s coming from an urban area, she find herself collaborating with many rappers in demand of its generation. In 2014, she discovered a new passion : DJ Behind the turntables, she feels the perfect combination to share her art with her fans. The mix between her voice, her energy and the turntables create a real craze, she’s has been quickly booked in all the best club in Paris, Cannes, Europe and in the Middle East. She has been asked as well for some events like the Eva Longoria’s Charity Gala, L’Oréal and Yves Saint Laurent‘s Events plus others luxury brands. She’s finally feeling ready to produce her first EP in June 2018 “La Vida”. Then, she made herself as a DJ/ Producer et release a remix of Drake “Non stop” and her last single “Ya habibi”. Due to her experiences, her origin and her history, her inspiration is going from the electro style to the oriental music. Facing the schizophrenia from her return to her roots and the modernity of the world, she create her own universe et called herself Adassiya. Rooted in the millennials’ generation, she give herself trough autobiographic titles and unanswerable melodies. Rigorous inside the studio, generous in life, Adassiya is the new sensation of the electro French stage.`



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