Live DJ Tech & Skills Q&A With Phil Morse – Join in, ask your questions, get help! This week we discussed the Numark NS4FX, cue points, tech shortages, and more..


3:42 Should I get the Numark NS4FX instead of the Pioneer DJ DDJ-FLX6?
7:14 Is there a new Native Instruments controller coming out?
8:54 When should you upgrade your DJ controller?
16:34 Is the DDJ-400 a good beginner controller, or should I go for the DDJ-800?
22:52 How’s the build quality on the Numark NS4FX?
24:12 Is it worth pre-ordering the Pioneer DJ DDJ-REV7?
24:46 Will Numark release another standalone controller, like the Mixstream Pro?
27:16 Can you explain the ideal place to put cue points in DJ software?
33:47 Any tips on mixing tracks from different genres?
37:17 How much did you spend on DJ gear when starting out?
38:39 Are the Numark NS4FX jogs motorised?
39:11 Where are the best places to buy flight cases for gear?
42:48 What’s your opinion on Traktor upping their game recently?
47:28 Can you use the Numark Mixstream Pro built-in speakers as booth monitors?
49:16 Can you change the display size in Rekordbox DJ?
52:44 Can I use Rekordbox DJ on a tablet instead of a laptop?

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