All your DJing questions answered, live! Join Phil Morse from Digital DJ Tips HQ for another weekly live show, helping you to become a better DJ or DJ/producer. This week we discussed how to mix techno music, what PA systems to buy, where to source acapellas from, and more!

4:54 Where can I get free acapellas and instrumentals?
8:38 Any tips on starting to mix techno music?
10:31 What’s the difference between Serato software FX and onboard controller FX? (such as the Rane One)?
15:37 Should I adjust gain levels on my DJ gear for each track, or use Auto Gain within the software?
20:23 Clients now want to “see” DJs doing more at events – what are some mixing tips for impressing wedding crowds?
23:10 What’s a good send/return FX unit to add to my DJ set-up?
24:17 How can I convert my software cue points when switching to standalone gear?
26:55 I’m a house music DJ, playing a set in between drum & bass and open format DJs – what should I play?
29:58 I have a $1000 budget – what PA system should I buy for small outdoor parties?
34:32 What’s the difference between a synthesiser, drum machine, sequencer and a sampler? 37:20 What music production hardware is available under $700?
41:45 I want to ditch the laptop and go standalone, what do you suggest?
42:56 What chair or desk do you recommend for a DJ/production studio?
46:02 What isolation solution can you recommend for reducing bass rumble/feedback on Technics Mk7s?
51:08 Any tips for making acapella mashups that sound good?
56:01 What’s the quality difference between digital and line inputs? Which is best?

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