Wanna know some little secret apps DJs use to make their lives easier? Watch on…

Ultimate Vocal Remover: https://ultimatevocalremover.com/
VB-Cable: https://vb-audio.com/Cable/
BlackHole: https://existential.audio/blackhole/
Audacity: https://www.audacityteam.org/

0:00 Intro
2:03 Today’s topic – Free laptop apps DJs keep quiet about
3:06 What free app can I use to create acapellas?
7:18 How can I record audio from anywhere?
12:01 Which free software can I use to edit audio?
20:06 Is Rekordbox DJ software subscription only?
23:10 What’s the best DJ record pool available in the UK?
25:48 Will Roland make another DJ controller?
26:42 What’s the best DJ controller for beginners?
33:33 What’s the quickest way to record a DJ mix with voiceover?
37:25 What’s the best software for livestreaming?

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