Phil Morse is live from the Digital DJ Tips studio, with another free DJing lesson. How DJs act in the booth can (often) make or break their career – Want to become a respected member in your DJ community AND book more gigs in the process? Today’s lesson offers up 10 rules of DJ etiquette to help you out. Tune in!
Q: What’s the worst behaviour you’ve ever experienced at a DJ gig? On the flip side, what kind of things impress you?
0:00 Intro
1:42 Today’s topic – DJ etiquette
5:43 Rule 1 – Act like DJing is a job (because it is..)
7:31 Rule 2 – You’ve got the best job, so stay humble
9:07 Rule 3 – Don’t let stress get the best of you
11:17 Rule 4 – Be diplomatic with requests
14:59 Rule 5 – Become a “can do” person (props to @Jason_Jani for this)
16:26 Rule 6 – Leave the entourage at home
18:10 Rule 7 – Get the basic professional stuff right
19:58 Rule 8 – Stick to your DJ set times
20:49 Rule 9 – Save the battles til afterwards
*Rule 10 (not shown) – Be open-minded and humble to other DJs: Especially in this day and age, everyone’s different, the way we all DJ nowadays is super-varied. The truth is that with the right humble, open-minded attitude, there’s always something to learn. Try not to get defensive about “your” way (of DJing, of conducting yourself), and always try to to learn from others’ ways
23:15 DJ etiquette overview + the hard truth
26:35 DJ community chat
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Tags: book more dj gigs how djs act in the booth how to act at a dj gig how to act in the dj booth how to book more dj gigs