0xHÖR - Final Boss, Tenga Babe, Meuko! Meuko!, Jon Du, GIL, Why Be & Mobilegirl / Aug 14 / 2pm-6pm - Virtual Clubbing Life

Log in to 0xcore, you are now entering a paradox, a floating-point, a decentralized altar built by players around the world.

0xcore was founded by the new media art group Naxs corp. and an experimental music producer Meuko!Meuko!. It’s an online platform that utilizes virtual technologies to create a proving ground of alternative reality and empowering artists, musicians, and creators to build their Metaverse.

After the successful collaboration with UNSOUND and Rewire Festival, 0xcore aims to host a series of online parties in its multiplayer gaming space and is committed to working with artists and communities worldwide.

The 1st online party: 0xHÖR, is launched by 0xcore and is a collaboration between 0xcore and the Berlin HÖR radio. A fantastic line-up of transcendent, future-thinking experimental sounds, including Berlin-based artists: GIL, Why Be, Mobilegirl, Taipei-based artists: Meuko!Meuko! and Jon Du. Special guest Final Taipei, the director of Final, and club manager Tenga Babe will party with all of you.

It’s time for a real Real-Live party, upload your soul and recreate your virtual-self in 0xcore.world.

登入0xcore,你將與來自世界各地的玩家一同墜入這超越虛擬的邊界幻景—— 0xcore 是由台灣的新媒體藝術團隊 NAXS Corp. 與實驗電子音樂製作人 Meuko!Meuko! 共同發起的藝術計劃,讓藝術家,音樂家,創作者形塑自己的宇宙、建構一個持續演化的虛擬展演空間。繼與 UNSOUND、 Rewire Festival 的合作後,0xcore 將在多人連線遊戲中,舉辦一系列線上活動,並致力於與全球的藝術家和社群組織合作。

首發派對 0xHÖR,將與柏林知名電子音樂廣播 HÖR Berlin 聯名,邀請駐柏林電子音樂製作人 GIL、 Why Be、Mobilegirl 與台灣音樂製作人:Meuko!Meuko!、Jon Du,更特別邀請台北知名派對場域 FINAL Taipei 總監許傑與店長傅昱 aka Tenga Babe 進行b2b演出。


—— 0xHÖR : Online Meta-Limbo between Berlin and Taipei ——

? 日期 Date | 2021/8/14 (Sat.)

? 演出陣容 Lineup |
Final Boss + Tenga Babe
Meuko! Meuko! + Jon Du
Why Be + Mobilegirl

? 時間 Duration |
14:00 – 18:00 Berlin time
20:00 – 24:00 Taipei time
12:00 – 16:00 UTC+0

? 地點 Venue |
— 登入線上遊戲 Online Gaming — http://0xcore.world

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